Hello World!

I am Sahiljit Sandhu



Here's a little about me -


Frontend Engineer At RevenueHero (August 2022 - Present) | Full-time

Member of Founding Team, Contributed to the company's growth from 0 to $1M ARR, supporting 200+ companies.

Contributed to the architecture, design, and implementation of core features, including login/signup flow, reporting, chrome extension, inbound routing, meeting links, routing-log and team management. Utilized frameworks such as Svelte and Next.js to ensure robust performance and a seamless user experience.

Led the development of the onboarding feature, integrating CRMs (HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho), video tools (Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, Daily), and authentication systems (Google Login, Microsoft Login, Okta).

Collaborated closely with design, management, and dev team on a complete Ul revamp, implementing a new design system, reducing bloat through refactoring and modularization, resulting in reduction in page load times.

Research Assistant At DRDO (July 2019 - Nov 2019) | Internship

Semantic segmentation using cityscape dataset through implementation of fully convolutional neural networks

Multi Class Text Classification on tweets to recognise emotion

My Work


This is Full Stack E-Commerce Web Application made using MERN Stack. Admin can put up the products and users can buy, review and rate them.



This is an E-Learning Platform where instructors can create courses and students can enrol in them.



This is Full Stack application made using MERN Stack. Its a platform where users can review a Tech Product.



A web app where admin can list various events and users can search events on the basis of their city, month and category.


Data Science Scripts

This repository is collection of my projects in the field of Data Science and Deep Learning.



This is full Stack CRUD application made using React, Context API and Firebase. User can login and can create a personalized list of people with their birth dates.



User can login to this Web App and can see their personalized list of pokemons. They can create a pokemon, increase its power and can delete a pokemon.



This is my CSS tool-kit. Various components like form, accordian, table, carousel which are used while building Web Apps are build here.


Let's Connect

If you have an idea, let's get in touch. Besides technology, I love to discuss trading ideas and charts related to financial markets or stocks. I might also bore you by talking about diet and nutrition.

Built with Next.js + by Sahiljit Sandhu | 2024